is a qute dog

it's 2018 and autotools still makes me want to decapitate myself

why does running autoconf generate a configure script that's loaded with syntax errors? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

why does running the configure script with msys2 somehow cause autoconf to stop working until you reinstall automake-wrapper, every single time? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

why does building adplug with VS2015 require you to run autoconf just to generate a single #define? because fuck you, idiot

congrats on still being even worse than cmake

why do people still use #define when const exists

Pro tip: to save space in your C code, put the following in a common system header:

#define struct union

happiness and good fortune will be yours but only if you add this line to the most included header file in your very oldest and most inscrutable codebase at work within the next 20 seconds

#define if(...) if(!(__VA_ARGS__))

I feel like I'm the only C programmer on earth who prefers enums to #define's all over the place.

#define 2 1<<1

think carefully about the implications of this one

@typhlosion You joke but I had a coworker on a many-million-dollar shipping project show me a header with
#define void int
at the top and
#undef void
at the bottom 🤔

#define false true
#define private public
#define 0 -1
#define printf(...) printf("All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy\n")