You can just hold down the buttons on a tv remote to adjust the volume more than one step. Most people know this.

Is the repeating handled on the TV side or on the remote's side? Does the remote just send a continuous "this button is held down" and the TV decides how long between volume nudges, or does the remote itself send the change-volume code every however-many milliseconds?

@Felthry cover the remote's IR transmitter while holding one of the volume buttons, then let it go again and you should have your answer

most I think are handled on the remote's side

Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

@Felthry if it's handled by the remote, the volume will resume raising/lowering at repeat speed once you uncover the transmitter

if it was being handled by the TV itself it would be treated like a new button press, thus wouldn't immediately repeat

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