enjoy: LEXY'S LABYRINTH, a puzzle game that's coincidentally compatible with chip's challenge!

play curated community levels spanning 20+ years, play the original bowep levels if you've got them, or brave the WIP editor and share your own with a link! it even works on phones, sort of, if your browser is really up to date!


(coming later: chip's challenge 2 support, an easier way to play the official steam releases, and maybe even an editor that can actually save!)

Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

@eevee I saw someone mention it on twitter, but perhaps it would be worth adding an ∞ over top of the green key in your inventory, in a similar fashion to the counters for the other keys when you have multiple of them

Also it throws console errors if you beat the last level in a pack, oops

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@KS lmao yeah i don't have an ending

also that's a bit tricky since the key rules are more complicated in cc2 and it does matter how many green keys you have...