Please stop with "Sylveon is trans". It's enby-exclusionary and you're also reinforcing garbage gender binary stereotypes in the process.
Let cute boys exist, and stop trying to make an entire species your poster child.
In case it were in any doubt, the following words are absolutely okay:
"My Sylveon is trans"
"I'm a trans Sylveon"
Your Sylveon is/you are a valid ball of pink and blue ribbons and fluff! Work to tame your inner dragons, you have type advantage. <3
Just don't make sweeping generalizations! Those are harmful to others.
@headachebooth it's very much possible to associate with being enby without associating with being trans
this happens to be exactly how I feel about myself and the constant assertions that part of me is something that I'm not is rather disconcerting
@KS how is it reinforcing garbage gender binary stuff? i thought it was just because sylveon was colored like the trans flag