Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

why is there now a share button next to the favorite button

I haven't touched this instance's code in literally months

· Web · 0 · 1

and it only shows up in mobile Chrome

Was this just something that's been in the code for literally ages and I never noticed it before?

@KS Oh yeah that's been a thing for like...a while. I haven't used the mobile web client since sometime early last year, and I think it was in there then...

@Skirmisher I guess it's more specific than just any mobile client, because mobile Firefox doesn't make them show up either

And this must have been in Mastodon for ages since I'm still back on 1.6.1

The share button itself doesn't consistently show up. It's weird. is.a.qute.dog/media/tEx_X8Dt7X

@LottieVixen oh, I guess it doesn't show for unlisted

It's the only visual difference I've noticed for unlisted toots in that case

@KS i couldn't tell either because i only follow one of those but also i could not be bothered to check but glad i could help