@cassolotl Eugen's continued mis-referencing of the poll he did is aggravating. It feels like he's looking for an excuse not to do it.
Those 53% of people or whatever that didn't vote for full rich text were split between two options, and I can practically guarantee you if one of them was removed at least 4% of them would prefer full rich text over the remaining option.
@KS @cassolotl Welp. Eugen is doing this on purpose and I'm almost 100% sure that he is aware. He is even misreferencing the issue (suggesting write.as as an alternativa? lol, what?) just to find a little bit of alleged legitimacy for his decision.
He tried it once to claim the implementation for himself and he will do it again some time from now I'm sure. If people just didn't gave him shit (which they rightfully did) he would have implemented it. It is just pettiness :/