@trysdyn I had to sit and wonder about why APU clock speed would have an effect on speedruns... then I realized, that probably affects communication between the CPU and SPC, especially if you're loading a considerable amount of stuff into the SPC's memory at once, doesn't it?
That could conceivably cause less lag if the APU clock speed increases, if that's the case...
@KS I actually don't know the super fine details myself. I know this caused a TAS validation to desync, and I know Dwango says it could impact long speedruns. They call out causing pitch bending in audio as well.
@KS @trysdyn the SPC700 is a lot slower than the 65c816 (which are on separate clocks as stated) and it's not uncommon for the 65c816 to wait in a loop for the SPC700 to be ready, or to have finished processing a command.
And having a variable amount of loop iterations isn't good when you have a prerecorded stream of inputs that make assumptions about the game behaving in a deterministic way when given those inputs; I've seen games do things like continuously tick a random number generator with all their free time, which would mean timing has to be exact.