Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

As a reminder, both the Touhou Wiki and Doom Wiki moved off of Wikia a long time ago and Wikia stepped in to revive the Wikias with new admins and added aggressive SEO to them to combat them trying to leave

Don't support Wikia

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@KS I wanna say the Transformers Wiki and a GTA wiki also left Wikia and had the same thing happen.

Wikia is scum and has been for years, which is a shame.

@KS Wikia really doesn't like communities leaving, going as far as to revert any edits on the main page that indicate such a move, so that a casual visitor isn't aware that's the case.

@KS They also just sent me this email, which makes no sense:

@bb010g @KS they've been trying to kill monobook for like a decade now, no surprise there

@KS wikia is evil , they fired a ton of staff without severance for no reason , gross policies & practices too

@KS I mean, their TOS and licensing are pretty clear. CC-BY-SA means they can keep using it, and so can anyone else. Freedom goes both ways.

Nothing is truly free, that's the price of their "free" hosting.