why is the home timeline still showing people i follow @-ing people i don't follow

Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

@revenant because it's the start of a conversation, not a reply?

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@KS i still don't really want to see it though

@revenant the issue: how do you determine the start of a conversation vs. mentioning for other reasons (e.g. )?

@KS how often would a @-mention be at the very start of the message if it's not meant to be a conversation though

@revenant more often than you think, that's just how sentence structure works out sometimes

and I don't feel forcing people to reword sentences to avoid not-obvious behavior is a good idea

(e.g. is.a.qute.dog/@KS/674432)

@KS yeah, it still seems like more often than not it *is* part of a convo when i see it. dunno if there's a good solution but i still find it annoying