completely exhausted myself mentally today
there's so many people i feel i need to help, but i just... can't
@KS Something I’ve had to learn the hard way and still struggle with is that you need to take care of yourself before you help others. If you help others at the expense of yourself it can end up being more harmful for everyone involved.
@KS it's impossible to help everyone, so it's best to help whoever you can.
and don't get disappointed if you can't fulfill something, that's the most important thing.
mmf, and now I'm getting the sort of feeling that I haven't actually accomplished anything lately and I wish I had
@KS that happens way too often ._.Yet when I have time I don't make much of it.
@KS Something I’ve had to learn the hard way and still struggle with is that you need to take care of yourself before you help others. If you help others at the expense of yourself it can end up being more harmful for everyone involved.