*Fans whirring, beeps*.

...gg...ggggoooood morning.....Good morning!~

*The beeps fade away but my regular beeping takes over.*

@BatElite *gives you a little good morning headpat and hug* <3

@KS *Wriggles against you, chirps and nuzzles.* <3 <3

@BatElite *smiles to you, gently rubbing behind your ears as he holds you close~*

Good morning, cutie~

@KS Good morning, fellow cutie~

*Hugs and chitters, nuzzles against your cheek and kisses.*

How are you doing?

Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS

@BatElite *softly blushes at your kiss, giggling a little bit and giving you a pick on the cheek in return~*

Mmm, I'm doing okay, just relaxing and enjoying my night... how's your morning so far?

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@KS My morning is going good, talking to a bunch of cuties (Hii~) and not a whole lot else so far.

Also feeling sort of vaguely lewd and weird, who knows.

Have temperatures reached non-horror levels over there yet? Do they ever?

@BatElite It's cooled down mildly here, which is to say it's 82F at 2:30 in the morning instead of 90+F. Otherwise ... not really, until summer is over.

I should probably sleep soon for work, honestly. (But lewd stuff is piquing my curiosity, ehe...)