is a qute dog

Throwback to the very first #minecraft GUI I ever made. The piece that opened the flood gates for people commissioning GUIs and cemented my entire future. #pixelart #aseprite #mastoart

A long awaited day has finally arrived, Minecraft Wiki has moved from Fandom to

We were able to bring a lot of improvements with this move including less ads, a new skin, faster load time and more.

Please visit for details why we've made this decision.

Soon we will also share how YOU can help entire Minecraft community reach forked wiki.

Thank you to everyone who have helped making this a reality. ❀️

#MinecraftWiki #fork #wiki #Minecraft

We are pleased to announce that our lengthy discussions regarding forking (moving) the wiki to a new host have concluded.

#Minecraft Wiki will be hosted by Weird Gloop, the same company hosting RuneScape wikis ( as decided by the community at

The process of moving will take some time, there is a lot of work to do, so we ask for your patience. We hope to bring you a wiki that Minecraft community can be proud of!

#MinecraftWiki #wiki #fork

I am going to open #commissions for #Minecraft skins, but I first need to build a bit of a portfolio. So, I am opening 5 slots for only a loonie (CA$1), under the agreement that I am allowed to use your completed skin as an example in my portfolio in perpetuity.

You must provide: Some sort of reference image. It doesn't have to be a complete refsheet, nor do I need all angles (although the more the better). I can extrapolate, but I am not a character designer and will not design a character for you.

Here are the two skins that I can share as examples, which I have made for myself and family. Both of these skins (and some older ones) can also be viewed from any and all angles on my NameMC profile.

Note: I will never upload your skin to my Minecraft account (and therefore your skin will never appear on my NameMC profile).

⚠️ Exploit in multiple #Minecraft Forge mods

β€žCan affect you if you play on any 1.12 modpack servers.
A common vulnerability in Java programs that allows a malicious user to run their own code on other users and the server itself. Exploit on servers running 1.7/1.12 Forge.

The list of known mods includes, but is not limited to: EnderCore/EnderIO, Logistics Pipes, BDLib, and Brazier.β€œ

more details: @MinecraftModding

Let's try this post again, this time as an outlink so I don't have to constantly edit the post and rely on flaky federation.

There is a "new" Minecraft security issue, affecting at least 1.7 thru 1.12. I'm calling it MC Mad Gadget. Other groups are calling it "Bleeding Pipe". Please boost for awareness.

#infosec #minecraft #modding #moddedminecraft

I wonder if there's any #minecraft mods that allow specifying a recipe that can specify an fallback ingredient or output, depending on if the primary ingredient / output is loaded.

So like, say a recipe for the farmersdelight:iron_knife that takes a create:iron_sheet and a minecraft:stick, but if and *only* if create isn't present, it would instead accept a minecraft:iron_ingot, and if farmer's delight isn't present, have that recipe instead make a mcdw:dagger

it's PicoHUD!

Intended as an alternative to F3 or minimaps, PicoHUD shows your position, direction, and the in-game day and time when you hold/toggle a key (default held left alt)

Co-ordinates are rounded to whole values, direction is rounded to 8 cardinals, and time is rounded to half-hours (500 ticks).

When fabric seasons is installed, the day count is replaced by season, day, and year.

#TQuilt #PicoHUD #moddedminecraft #minecraft

There's no Discord bridge mods for Minecraft 1.4 (that I know of).

So we bridged the server to IRC using ForgeIRC, then bridged that IRC channel to Discord with Matterbridge.

It's jank but it works in all directions -- all three channels can communicate with every other one.

The power of open protocols tm

#irc #minecraft #matterbridge #discord