Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

I'm gonna be in Seattle soon and I'm gonna snuggl people,


I literally picked up my stylus for one casual Time Attack on Planet Puzzle League and it makes my gameplay of any other PdP/TA game look like a joke is.a.qute.dog/media/-QUVaRniUm

can I stay in bed all day, please

it's comfy

don't wanna leave ~w~

tbh nuzzling at a vaporeon or glaceon friend doesn't sound like that bad of an idea

@Felthry if it's handled by the remote, the volume will resume raising/lowering at repeat speed once you uncover the transmitter

if it was being handled by the TV itself it would be treated like a new button press, thus wouldn't immediately repeat

@Felthry cover the remote's IR transmitter while holding one of the volume buttons, then let it go again and you should have your answer

most I think are handled on the remote's side

@devurandom yep, they're a pretty common result in tecmo super bowl, the sequel to this

this game just happens to be the major exception to the rule, and it makes passing way too risky if you're not playing vs AI; if someone else is next to your receiver when you throw it's almost a guaranteed INT

@devurandom passing in tecmo bowl is a nightmare in general

if it's inbounds, it's either a catch or interception, no exceptions

@zoe robozoe with hackerwoof laying on lap,

@zoe "you're making great time!!" forever stuck in my head thanks to climax's announcer

re: rich text shenanigans, rotating text
rich text shenanigans, rotating text