@unascribed @noiob well, I'm part of the same dying breed then, so you have some company at least
A couple of days ago I saw a thread going around, encouraging people to buy from disabled crafters this Christmas, so here's my #queer/trans/disabled contribution!
I make #zines and #Pride flag handwarmers. £15 + P&P from the UK to anywhere. :)
@KitRedgrave @Kyresti Kit, you're a sweetheart and I loved (and still long for) the time we spent together <3
@noelle yikes, he even went the extra step forward to show off his awful behavior on the *home page*
@unascribed I'm torn between doing the same workaround newer versions of Mastodon do (change the request class to resolve DNS requests itself, and try every single IP returned in case one fails) or leave it like this so I can inform people when it breaks
can somebody tell Jo her instance isn't reachable over IPv6 despite returning an AAAA record
╲╲╰╯╱╱ in
┃╲╲╱╱ this
┃┃╲╱ house
┗┛ we
may have made a critical mistake here
@KitRedgrave @Kyresti awoooooo~
@Raspberryfloof is awooing at the moon.
@Kat @unascribed Una Deer is Good Deer,
@devurandom *hugs tight*
today is a very cuddly day,
oh no poundland are doing lootcrates https://youtu.be/t41I-mzEAX8
I've grown so used to seeing CWs like this that it was kinda weird when I first started using sleeping.town as a backup and saw the old ones again.
So, hey, remember this post?: https://is.a.qute.dog/@KS/576422
I finally got around to implementing this flavor of content warning on static pages, too. (And made said static pages easier on the eyes, to boot.)
@devurandom *hugs close*