I've released a version of OpenTyrian2000 now with Windows builds included!
@iliana I just noticed the main branch of that repo is 'mistress' and that's amazing tbh
Today's gender: yes
(I don't know how to describe it but I'm using they/them pronouns for myself, which is unusual)
Further screenshots: Various levels exclusive to Tyrian 2000.
From first to last, these images are: The title screen, the Timed Battle mode that Tyrian 2000 introduced, shopping for ships including some Tyrian 2000 specific ones, and the slightly revised weapon purchasing screen.
So, I've spent the last few days using all the knowledge I've learned working with ArcTyr to fork OpenTyrian (again...) and finally add *proper* Tyrian 2000 support.
The source code is publicly available: https://github.com/KScl/opentyrian2000
No builds currently because I don't have an environment set up to build for Windows.
@BatElite Yes, they stick out like a sore thumb :p
*programmer art intensifies* https://is.a.qute.dog/media/NodNJk8S45gzxSXZsVA
I guess I'm back to doing Tyrian dev stuff huh
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Don't mind me, just having a normal one here
@steph good morning stephie
@gmsh heck i've been called out,
people who say nini are cute
@unascribed I get the feeling eugen still doesn't want it, and only added whitelist mode because people kept asking
considering it was completely untested and didn't even work at first
@BestGirlGrace that used to be me, like, before I came up with my own character and started shifting over to them
I still have to do double takes sometimes