Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

controversial opinion, i probably can't be considered a leftist anymore

Choke of the century on the last stage of a 1cc attempt makes me sad. :<


I'm still craving that tall glass of strawberry milk, btw :<

Mastodon: Things Break Randomly For No Reasonâ„¢

yay, i fixed zoe's avatar,

i don't know why the avatar remote url got blanked, but i put it back and now it's working again

Craving a tall glass of strawberry milk, but there's no milk here. :<

Little by little, the avatars are returning...

Now that I can see new media is working fine, time to upload old media...

Oh, there we go. Turns out one of the S3 configuration options got renamed in Mastodon 2.5.0.

I'm using 1.6.1, remember.

That's a lot of 403s, and that wasn't the error I was expecting...

If you're not following my backup account at @KS, now might be a good time. Starting a media migration to Jortage shortly; as you may have gathered from the previous posts, disk space has finally run short on my little server here.

I doubly love that the rake tasks to remove old media don't run if disk space is full. Genius.

I love how the way Mastodon handles "disk is full" is "completely explode and not tell you why"


am a sick woof today, please send hugs :<