@EeveeEuphoria @monorail oh dear god
at everyone continues to be the biggest mistake
one of my end goals with the things i worked on was to make them extensible enough that the main game itself didn't need hardcoded hacks, it could just use the same system exposed to modders
and i'm so saddened that couldn't be done with lua, because it leads to exactly this kind of problem aaaaaaaaaaa
@EeveeEuphoria @monorail lua is so powerful but i wish it was faster
or at least, that implementation of it leaves a lot to be desired in the speed category
i don't know if any strides forward have been made since 2.2 but at the time i left there were still some functions that when hooked into slowed the game to a crawl
i guess i found my answer on how to handle this anxiety
just talk it out
@EeveeEuphoria @monorail anyway um
i'd love to keep talking over minute technical details of random things, but i don't wanna be a bother ><
heck i already feel like i'm pestering holly
@monorail @EeveeEuphoria that team has completely changed due to actions over the past year, as you might be aware
unfortunately the scars from the old team's behavior haven't yet healed (and I don't know if they ever will)
@EeveeEuphoria @monorail i was a former dev and site admin
the actions of the past dev team have left me with serious anxiety issues
@monorail @EeveeEuphoria (sorry if I'm ranting a bit, this is ... weirdly theraputic for my anxiety, as long as I don't look back at the code or the game itself and just talk about it)
@EeveeEuphoria @monorail in theory there's a code branch in mainline to run two (or any arbitrary number of) render ticks per ingame tick
in practice that code was never maintained, lol
@EeveeEuphoria @monorail also, because it's likely to be a follow-up question:
interpolation was attempted in the past, the result was nauseating to play and thus never made it into mainline because 1. the average speed of gameplay is much higher than in doom, and 2. there are so many moving parts and it could only accurately interpolate *some* of those parts
@monorail @EeveeEuphoria because it's the doom engine
how am i even supposed to handle anxiety like this
oops someone boosted srb2 shit on my timeline again and there goes my anxiety spiking again
@irthomleniter @oakreef i'm not sure what to think of this
@unascribed minceraft,
@unascribed deer is more valuable than gold, anyway,
*pick up Godot, start messing around with things*
*immediately get overwhelmed and set it down again*
I'm never gonna get started with this am I
there's an idea i want to start working on, but i don't have the energy to work on anything let alone start up a new project from scratch
very low energy day today