spoiler: my phone runs on gay
(No seriously, the battery meter is a rainbow bar across the top)
currently only 68% gay
@boots is a good girl and I'd like to give her a hug
Definitely in a snuggly affectionate mood right now
*rolls along your timeline*
*nuzzles @netkitty and headpats with a ribbon*
does anyone want a sleepy Sylveon to curl up on their lap to rest? zwz
cutesy birdsite link: https://twitter.com/DanQGoo/status/1006716742276558848
yep that's me, definitely mood
Some days my hair is an SCP artifact
"okay, finally brushed all the tangles out of my hair, let's go"
*moves half an inch*
*hair immediately tangles up into one giant ball*
"oh goddammit"
Reasons I'm using my phone instead of my laptop when it's right in front of me, part 1 https://is.a.qute.dog/media/p5B-13uMhIDChlvbX4Q
Project (logo) circa tonight: https://hydroxyl.co/logo.svg
Project status circa last night: "wait, why am I bothering looking for something to convert this to SVG, I can just write this in a text editor with less effort"
project status: made a logo font last night, struggle to turn it into a SVG image and stall
Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work Saturday nights
I'd kinda like watching the Indycar races instead of catching up on them after the fact