Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

Lewd tangents

Why can I not rationalize anything I do as 'good' despite being told otherwise countless times

Why do I feel like everything I've ever done is insignificant

Tooth pain has rapidly gotten worse over the past 48 hours, f

Insurance won't cover anything until December, don't really have money to deal with this right now, worry about being too much of a burden to ask anybody else for help, and am in enough pain to make functioning difficult

What do? x-x

A dog-boy stands in front of you, looking directly at you, his husky-like ears perked up. The pair of glasses in front of his deep, dark blue eyes has a few rows of green text visible on the top of both lenses. You can just barely make out a bit of it, backwards...


...and then you notice the very visible smirk on his face...


I should probably do something like that for my avatar here.

/about/more updated, separating my character bio, info about me, and info about this instance into separate sections. Also gave them all a little touch-up.

@bea Except not ... for me? Is it some dumb thing in master that I didn't notice?

@bea huh, whenever people mention you, the link in the mention goes to /users/bea instead of to /@bea... which breaks the link parser, so I can't pull up your profile on web by clicking on the mention...

achievement funlocked: set up a goofy mastodon instance

achievement funlocked: just kidding, i made @KS do it for me. i'm bad at computer

Guess I could switch my display name to match how I feel at any given point in time...

(last boost for a little visibility at a time that isn't stupidly early in the morning)

Curious question for all:

Is there a word that really encapsulates how I feel? I'm physically male, but mentally androgynous, sometimes leaning more in one direction than the other. I feel comfortable with my body when it leans more masculine, but when it's the other way around... I just, want to interact with myself in ways that I physically cannot.

Curious question for all:

Is there a word that really encapsulates how I feel? I'm physically male, but mentally androgynous, sometimes leaning more in one direction than the other. I feel comfortable with my body when it leans more masculine, but when it's the other way around... I just, want to interact with myself in ways that I physically cannot.

I eagerly await the day where I can temporarily swap my body's sex characteristics

Or maybe I've just been corrupted by people here :p

The font in both this screen is so bad that I keep misreading it as "Armor of Vore"

UHHHHHH is.a.qute.dog/media/zq_xWXpXGK

I legit didn't know this was a thing in Legend of Dragoon

I make fun of IoT stuff all the time, but really, being able to turn on and dim the lights in the living room from my phone is really handy

I mean, it helps that the lights in the living room aren't actually on switch controlled outlets (since the one switch controlled outlet here is in a bad spot I think) and so we'd have to otherwise fumble in the dark to turn them on