Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

physical health
hot take

Fun Nicalis fact: Did you know that almost all of the "fan" translation of Cave Story is actually buried within the data files of Cave Story Wii and Cave Story +?

Did you also know that most of the special modes in those games were also lifted straight from the community with no credit given?


I was two seconds away from buying Ikaruga on Switch and then noticed the publisher was Nicalis.

Hahaha nope fuck off and die you shitty company

Things @Raspberryfloof says:

"Now I just want to draw a Meganium with a rainbow colored flower around its neck and call it Me-gay-nium"

National dog day is to celebrate my Teddy Bear imo

heart emoji legend:

❀️ = standard level of fondness
🧑= idk if this one shows up on your OS but if it does: ;)
πŸ’› = I adore your kind heart / sup, piss pal
πŸ’š = Gamer Loveℒ️
πŸ’™ = the most platonic color. no one shall suspect. im a genius
πŸ’œ = I’m outwardly flirty and inwardly screaming
πŸ–€ = i’M a LiTtLe FuCkEd Up >;J
πŸ’– = enough fuckin around, i’m bringing in The Big Guns
πŸ’• = we’re dating at this point
πŸ’ž = we’re engaged at this point
πŸ’ = sup, bondage pal
πŸ’” = nobody uses this one. c’mon.


"The Big Bang Theory is ending after 12 seasons"

Good fucking riddance. It's about time.

Now the same needs to happen to any and all spinoffs.

Where is the "person you follow changed their avatar" notification aaa

bad joke

I'm now buried under a mountain of hugs, I think

This is not a complaint