Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

Heading back here, will probably turn my sleeping town into a "wordle and related things" (e.g. Mahjong Handle) quarantine

Living situation, request for help
Living situation, request for help
Living situation, Request for help
re: wordle-likes

For the record: I'm definitely going to be using my "backup" account at @KS more, until I either move to it full time or figure out otherwise what I'm going to do with this instance.

You may want to shoot it a follow.

instance meta

*big think noises*

(alt: A screenshot of a Link to the Past Randomizer. Ganon is saying "You have no bow. Dingus!" Momiji [Link] clearly has a bow out pointed directly at him.)

apparently my second sidekiq queue for outgoing events never got started when I restarted the server last

there might be a flood of notifications, sorry

it's now time to do a flump.

(alt: a game completion screen from the A Link to the Past + Super Metroid combo randomizer, with a total time of just over 7 hours)

getting a lot of cases where images in posts are appearing as links instead of thumbnails lately

i would understand more if it was everything acting up like this, but it's inconsistent and that's weird,