@vmstan It's been two days and nothing appears to have broken, so probably good
@typhlosion hi! you're a cutie typh <3
Patching out the latest CVE, hopefully nothing breaks without me realizing it
@socks It's true
The worst part about having a cool game mod idea is the part where I have to make the mod before I can enjoy the idea
@maples *gentle little pets* <3
@Kat goodnight kat~
Oh lovely. The new Discord update can mistarget image uploads and send them to an unintended recipient.
So if you use Discord for mixed purposes uh... be extremely, extremely wary of that. 🙃
Bed gravity is even stronger when it's cold. ~w~
@maples happy mappy dappy(?),
@linaciari having worked on Neo Geo homebrew has just given me even more respect for it, really; it was definitely ahead of its time in a bunch of ways
they call it centurylink because it takes a century for them to come set up the link
@alex RIP freenode
@socks (ref: Davidson, Henry; A Short History of Chess)
@socks and during typing that out I looked it up; original win conditions were in fact "capture the king" or "leave a player with a bare king" (capture everything else)
the persians introduced check/mate to have a warning for a king being captured, and as a result, to prevent games ending suddenly and accidentally
and the bare king rule fell out of vogue somewhere around the 16th century, because it was considered more noble to win by checkmate
@socks given chess has a long and storied history, I wouldn't be surprised if the win condition was originally "capture the king" and it changed over time, presumably because if you were in such a situation you'd just resign anyway