@BatElite @TonicBH There's a grand total of two levels in the Master Levels that stand out (Black Tower and The Express Elevator To Hell), and they stand out because of how *divisive* they are more than anything; they're either the best levels by a mile, or the worst levels by a mile depending on who you ask
Everything else is middling at best
@unascribed ah, yes, the Blue Key, i can now open blue doors--
@kit hi kit ~w~
@kit root@idspispopd when,,
What do you mean my outgoing sidekiq service didn't get started with the last restart
We've now advanced past the "always run the program through gdb" stage of rooting out a heisenbug, we're now at the "valgrind and pray" stage
@kit let me know whenever the court date is and I'll accompany you out there, mm <3
so our "smart" router decided it would be cool to block my personal webspace, and the only way I figured out it was the router was by checking HTTP; otherwise its interference merely resulted in completely breaking SSL connection attempts
that was a fun few hours down the drain
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
We just got confirmation that one of the Neo Geo setups at CEO this weekend will be setup with a sample version of Petal Crash for Neo Geo <3
@typhlosion I don't currently have an active sub to 2020 simply for financial reasons but
Hi TrackMania was the first real online community I ever actually opened up and engaged with, and two of my maps are literally in United Forever officially
@rnd It's certainly commonplace, probably as a way to say to the player "hey, leave the cabinet now", but it's definitely not universal; off the top of my head I know the later Metal Slug games all omit it, and there's definitely others too
@Kat zachtronics solitaire moments!,
@kit ours has treated us well, as you're no doubt aware ~w~
I can't recall a time before where something I've done in a game has so perfectly summed up the entire day in general.
(Spoilers: Celeste 7-C) https://is.a.qute.dog/media/4tPqSZQDYuQ3NMP35M0
A randomizer story in three parts
(alt: Braille text reading "Those who inherit our will, shine in the middle." Following images: Attempting to use Flash as the text requests, only to be told "This can't be used until a new badge is obtained.")
@Kat ... big cookie,
i'd probably do the same tbh,
It looks like I'll have to add a detent of some kind, to make sure it always stops in a defined orientation, but the flip-dot d10 works!
@typhlosion kassy kasran kas, noted cutie typh,