Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

when you're trying to play mahjong online and a tiny bit of cream cheese from your bagel gets on your touchpad and suddenly you're stuck unable to do anything

random headcanons
random headcanons
random headcanons


Several cuties enter, none of them leave. That's because they're having a nap together.

I haven't had the energy to consistently keep the nicknames on my Masto accounts, Discord servers, etc. all synced, so it's just a giant hodgepodge of genders and names

Which is itself quite a gender mood

Good news: Nevada's doing gender-neutral IDs now: ktnv.com/news/nevada-dmv-imple

Bad news: That means a trip to the DMV and wehhhhh

mental silverware chart:

* spoon: general unit of energy
* fork: argument defusal energy
* knife: ephemeral capacity for violence
* chopsticks: precision detail energy
* spork: natural crit energy

@Elizafox I don't really know, our relationship is super open and always has been, and I already don't comprehend the "traditional" sort of relationships tying you permanently to one person

But at the same time I do not feel capable of providing the same level of deepness as my relationship with Ras with anyone else, despite having many other friends that I do love

@Elizafox I'm not poly but I'm with a poly partner ... Except actually I'm not really sure if I'm not poly, anymore, so ...

*massive shrug*

pronouns: random.choice(["he/him", "they/them", "she/her"])

open for answer