me irl
i love how the text box label on is now "*inquisitive fox noises*"
it is uncomfortably hot. x-x
Now I don't have to touch this mode ever again... #MarioGolf #MarioGolfSuperRush #NintendoSwitch
thigh-high programmer socks time,
Nintendo. Camelot.
Golf is a simple game.
You really did not have to—and should not have—loaded it up with a billion gimmicks in an attempt to make something "unique".
You *absolutely* should not have made those gimmicks required to progress through your "adventure" mode that so far has been about as linear as a hallway simulator.
It arrived
(alt: an order confirmation for a NeoSD MVS, a Neo Geo flash cart, that costs ~$430USD)
we're really doing this, huh
Cursed Petal Crash part 2: 2048 mode
commission from and aaaaaaAAA this might be one of my favourite commissions ever hghfgh
this doggo's birthday is today,,
this doggo's birthday is today,,
I fixed a bug involving negative numbers, and added an animation feature. Here's some rotation:
I went and put a Mode 7 previewer online, after improving it a little:
It lets you write JavaScript code to calculate Mode 7 parameters as a function of the current scanline.
Lemme know if there's any anyway I could improve it. I can think of a few things that would be nice, like support for animation.
bill wurtz was right all along