Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

well, dinner tonight was kinda miserable.

This trip out to search for food at 12 in the morning is just depressing.

Current project pictures: is.a.qute.dog/media/D4QerNdY1c is.a.qute.dog/media/nZ1RKQ5IPz is.a.qute.dog/media/9lQEAUl3I6

Maybe at some point in the near future this will sprawl into an editor, not just a viewer. Work is going to cut into my time, though.

Pictured: @Raspberryfloof's homemade pizza... or what's left of it, anyway.

It never seems to last long. is.a.qute.dog/media/WJUxprtEsI

hi good night everyone

I don't actually know why I'm awake


I feel comfortable enough with my portfolio now, so I'm sticking it up as a permanent pin on my profile.

From myself on Discord:

I wish AGDQ wasn't so ... bland. It feels soulless; all the little things that were there to make the event really feel like a large gathering of people all coming together for a cause ... just gone.

Also, the whole layout tried for a tech-y theme and ... it just looks tacky as hell.

But of course, all this gets overshadowed by Twitch edgelords complaining about muh censorship and bullshit because they can't be racist transphobic assholes.

hello i wrote a thing about picking random numbers, and also, a bit of calculus, i don't know eev.ee/blog/2018/01/02/random-

ow good morning

I had a killer headache last night so I retired way earlier than usual

Aaaahhhh, being genderfluid can really suck sometimes...

I wish I could have the feminine feelings that I am deeply craving right now, but to do so would just make it more difficult for me when I'm on a masculine kick again

Starting a project is the hardest part.

Hey, can I order hugs from myself?

It's 20 minutes past midnight on 12/26

Who wants hugs?!

Nostalgia moment for me: listening to music from Tyrian, composed by Alexander Brandon. In this specific case, Space Journey 1.


... and when you're done with that one, seek back to the beginning and listen to the entire soundtrack because it's _fucking amazing_

Nostalgia moment for me: listening to music from Tyrian, composed by Alexander Brandon. In this specific case, Space Journey 1.


... and when you're done with that one, seek back to the beginning and listen to the entire soundtrack because it's _fucking amazing_

hey, I'm not asleep again!

... this time it's my own damn fault for being distracted, peering through OpenTyrian's source

re tinnitus stuff from earlier: It seems more likely that this is just a side-effect of when I had an ear infection back in october, so hopefully it won't last forever?

it did start up right at the exact same time as that, so...

apparently it can take some months for it to fully clear up.