doggo, tired,
say what you want about it, but Sonic 4 Episode 1 is the only Sonic game released in like, the past 20 years that I still get occasional desires to replay.
Even Sonic Mania, it was alright, but I don't really want to pick it up again when the game starts out with such a slog and only picks up later.
this was a real pain to get working on proton, because the launcher requires a specific ancient version of the JRE
but everything went swimmingly afterward
@gmsh eternal mood,
I am such a klutz.
I go into the kitchen to cook food and I come out with a PB&J sandwich and a burned foot.
_how am I supposed to explain this_
Memories from four years ago: That time where I scored almost 300 points with one word in Scrabble
(Pictured: ADEQUATe, 27 * 9 + 50 for 293)
what an eclectic selection of repositories, huh
@steph apparently the fix for firefox is to enable HTTPS DNS through Cloudflare
no I don't have a single clue *why* that supposedly fixes it but apparently it does
Worms Armageddon got an update today.
It's 2020. The game's old enough to drink at this point and it's still getting updates.
so I figured out why I couldn't connect to my server during the outage, despite the fact that I don't use Cloudflare at all
... DigitalOcean's nameservers *do* use Cloudflare, sigh
@sashahamilton cloudflare does domain name resolution now, so when it went down, it took a giant, not entirely related chunk of the internet with them
my instance was down until a couple of minutes ago and I have absolutely nothing tethered to cloudflare