aaa I got a cookie cake for my birthday @w@
dog birthday 🎂
dog birthday 🎂
dog snugs,
Getting a name change is looking like a better idea every day
so is Youtube dead for anyone else or is this just a me problem
I'm patiently waiting for my food to arrive... as patiently as a doggo can wait
Which means I have my nose pressed to the window looking out for cars ~w~
it's dark and cloudy out, so my room is actually still dark
would like to snuggle like this
I don't have the energy to change my name here to reflect my gender all the time, so this will have to do
am sleepy puppy still,
wish i could just curl up on a lap and snooze more
I need to get a refsheet at some point, the biggest problem is just facing my anxiety
Also yes, my new phone is powered by gay too
The share button itself doesn't consistently show up. It's weird.
and it only shows up in mobile Chrome
Was this just something that's been in the code for literally ages and I never noticed it before?
why is there now a share button next to the favorite button
I haven't touched this instance's code in literally months
Add in insomnia and likely non-24 into this mix as well and you've got a recipe for ... something
I don't know what exactly it makes but it sure is a recipe