Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

if I didn't live in a second story apartment I would totally buy a metal DDR pad (as a replacement for my ages old redoctane Ignition 1.0 pad still sitting in my parent's place 3,000 miles away) and get back into the habit

--, mh
--, mh
--, mh

also yes, my phone's battery meter is a rainbow bar across the top of the screen

im gay

Write your warning here
pronouns discussion, this is not intended to be a subtoot to any one person but just me talking in general

why are people cwing markov now, that's hella annoying

I bought black hair dye today...

Trying to be closer to the idealized "me"

Stuff I miss from Crash Team Racing and I wish existed in more racing games: Relic Races, aka time trials where you're encouraged to take different lines through the course instead of the one fastest one


have I mentioned yet that Sylveon is the best pokemon

time to sleep

*snugs all the frens*

I should update my portfolio now that the DM column is finally in, shouldn't I