Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

Mass shooting in Vegas tonight.

Yes, I'm okay, as are @Raspberryfloof and @Xkeeper

I ponder an instance where you can only post emoji with a ~20 character maximum

Why yes this thought was inspired by the BDSM Twitter tweet

if you boost this, you're probably a cutie

if you don't boost this, you're also probably a cutie

An unexpected $200 worth of expenses popped up for me today because my dental insurance went "Your checkups are 100% covered", and then doubled back after I got a checkup last week and said "No we don't actually cover most of this stuff, we pay: 0.00"

a single sentence that will no doubt cause tons of controversy

Ugh, can we go a while without the resounding callout culture vibes coming right back

@chr keep bein' cool and stuff

I'm going to go play Breath of the Wild, I see no reason to devote any more focus to this

... Is it just me, or does nobody assume good faith anymore?


can I get some kind of cliff notes on what the hell is going on tonight?

so is there anything stopping people who steal your brand new iphone from just pointing your phone at a picture of you to unlock it?

Follow recommendation concerns, from a single-user perspective:

How exactly is this going to work with federation? Will users only see recommendations of other users on the same server as them, or will it recommend users from other servers as well?

If the former, it's going to actively hamper any single-user and/or small instances' discoverability.

If the latter... well, your instance still has to know of remote users to recommend them. Nearly useless for those of us on single-user instances.

Why yes I am feeling very feminine and busty today, why do you ask

Maybe I should put the avatar I'm using for my alternate account ( @KS ) on here, because I do feel it represents me quite well

But at the same time it's hard to give up the adorable snuggly fluffball of loveliness that is Sylveon!

So, the four of us are heading out on a road trip to Laguna Beach.

This road name amuses me. is.a.qute.dog/media/9qBWXszliv

I just want to spend some time with the people that matter to me the most and why the fuck do I have to _worry about my job_ because of it

Although to be honest, if it comes to the point that I actually have to choose between vacation and job, the stress this is giving me combined with the near-thanklessness and the vile shit I have to put up with from our clientele is making me heavily lean towards quitting.

Stressed so much about work, the vacation, and seemingly being unable to get time off when I need it the most

I have not taken a vacation in almost two years and even then it was a very hurried "take flight, spend Thanksgiving day with grandparents and relatives, take flight back next day"

And yet I still have trouble with this