Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

Oh, there we go. Turns out one of the S3 configuration options got renamed in Mastodon 2.5.0.

I'm using 1.6.1, remember.

That's a lot of 403s, and that wasn't the error I was expecting...

If you're not following my backup account at @KS, now might be a good time. Starting a media migration to Jortage shortly; as you may have gathered from the previous posts, disk space has finally run short on my little server here.

I doubly love that the rake tasks to remove old media don't run if disk space is full. Genius.

I love how the way Mastodon handles "disk is full" is "completely explode and not tell you why"

am a sick woof today, please send hugs :<

Goodnight, sweet prince that I called Ingress.

I refuse to use the godawful mess called Prime, so this is how it ends, I guess. is.a.qute.dog/media/ykk46sahIT

qwerty users, dvorak users, lend me your ears and eyes:

I have an odd obsession with segmented displays

Especially seven-segment displays

bleh, the stick on my left joycon is starting to drift pretty badly.

I thought you had the concept of a joystick nailed down, Nintendo, how did you manage a design flaw like this?

--, gaming

Literally my second Home Run Contest attempt ever and I send Sandbag almost 400km with a tipper bat smash

good afternoon fedi,

sorry if I haven't been around much, work has been stressful and exhausting lately

tiny rant re: labor laws
tiny rant re: labor laws

just tried to swipe "heh" on my phone keyboard and it got turned into "hhgregg" fucking meme lord piece of shit phone