Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

heading to bed early so I can watch cars go nyoom in the morning

nini yall <3


Sorry for flooding your timelines with this shit, y'all. I know it sucks.

Ugh, my usual shampoo is too harsh and it's taking some of the color out of my hair already ;;

I need something better...


One of these days I will find a way to give @KitRedgrave a hug

a domain specific language for making and customizing an ostatus implementation in emacs lisp. make your text editor able to insult literally anyone or anything
--, ♀-dysphoria

As a reminder, both the Touhou Wiki and Doom Wiki moved off of Wikia a long time ago and Wikia stepped in to revive the Wikias with new admins and added aggressive SEO to them to combat them trying to leave

Don't support Wikia

you've probably heard about numerous times that admins on wikia sites have been driven to try to migrate their wikis offsite, and how hard wikia's admins work to undermine said admins after they move

but even in this new thread someone talks about having to abandon their position as the sole admin of a site just because they have a disability that makes the default wikia skin (i.e. the only other option) virtually impossible to actually use. wikia doesn't fucking get it

not entirely serious licensing bs

Sylveons are really really good <3

character stuff
character stuff

well, I finally figured out why my desktop keyboard started acting up; the mechanical switches aren't cherrys, they're chinese knockoffs that have started corroding (not gold-plated)

that keyboard was around $100 too

So I can't watch streams while I'm at work...

Hey @mallaidh how is Wickens doing?

I drew these two yesterday for @KS whose birthday is today. At least where they are, because it's been Sunday for 10 minutes here.

computerfairi.es/media/Wk_AL9F computerfairi.es/media/86HIVlc

I've grown to dislike working Saturday because I miss all the races that take place then *cough*Indy GP*cough*