I went and put a Mode 7 previewer online, after improving it a little:
It lets you write JavaScript code to calculate Mode 7 parameters as a function of the current scanline.
Lemme know if there's any anyway I could improve it. I can think of a few things that would be nice, like support for animation.
@socks the Hollies are taking over fedi,,
@monorail puyo chains are works of art
@maples I did not know this book was a thing and I am legitimately interested in it
@not_on_pizza https://hforsten.com/redefining-the-number-2-in-python.html (yes, this is cursed)
As for the timestamp ... um, I don't know. Don't question hacker doggy magic, I guess? ^^;;
bill wurtz was right all along
@snowleopardsinspace your computer is never safe. look out
@unascribed unsure if the shaded part is "how much will be used" or "how much will be left" but i guess that would become clear after one use
so i got the janssen vaccine yesterday
oof, it's hitting me pretty hard today, though
@monorail it's situational but yeah, it can work.
a few years back, my original xbox had major problems reading discs before i ran one of those through it, and it worked much better afterwards
@monorail future sight was a fun set
@Elizafox I think the fact that Linux users *still* can't stream with audio years later makes it obvious they don't care even the slightest
Hell I remember one of the updates completely broke the debian package they force you to download on update, just making the entire thing unusable for a bit
@not_on_pizza *waves*?
I was today years old when I learned you could hit the ball back onto the tee ground in Neo Turf Masters and it'll put the ball *back onto the tee* for you