Kaito / Katie Sinclaire @KS@is.a.qute.dog

My name has been officially changed


@socks Someone in our Archipelago group who plays TUNIC has a mod for it that makes the main fox character's tail huge

Like, "three times the size of their body" huge

@rnd hmhm, so it has

still though, undoing 20 years of history isn't that easy

@rnd confirm/cancel would need more clear naming though, because japanese playstation games typically use O to confirm and X to cancel

waiwaiwaiwaiwait. did you say TABS or spaces? oh my fucking god. oh my god. i’m so sorry, i have partial hearing loss
re: 💣, lategame spoilers
silly dog moments

My friends Ashley and Jill are crowdfunding for a sequel to their game Petal Crash!!


(I've been working on a Neo Geo port of the original game so this is super exciting and cool to see!!)

OpenTyrian2000 v2000.2024.02.18: github.com/KScl/opentyrian2000

Merging changes and fixes from upstream over the past three years, plus a couple additional fixes.

@vmstan It's been two days and nothing appears to have broken, so probably good

Patching out the latest CVE, hopefully nothing breaks without me realizing it

The worst part about having a cool game mod idea is the part where I have to make the mod before I can enjoy the idea